
351 Wise Road, Howard, PennsylvaniaPA 16841

Privacy Policy


At Goot Essa Cheese and gootessacheese.com, we value the protection of your privacy.

Information you provide on our website forms will help ensure that you receive relevant email and SMS communications and prompt delivery of goods and services. Requested personal information may include your full name, address, phone number, email address, and credit card information. Our website uses Security Socket Layers (SSL), a secure connection between browsers and the website that encrypts any information transferred via the Internet. We keep this personal information confidential and do not and will not sell or redistribute this information to outside organizations. 

Goot Essa uses cookies to learn about your website visits and to help keep track of items you put into your shopping cart. This information is used to improve our communications and to determine when to send cart reminder messages via SMS if you desire them.

Your information will not be sold or shared with third parties.