
351 Wise Road, Howard, PennsylvaniaPA 16841


9 Month Cheese Subscription


Experience the goodness of Goot Essa cheese with a 9 Month Cheese Subscription that will provide delightful parings with our selected cheeses and condiments.

Included Each Month:

  • 3 of Goot Essa’s fine cheeses specifically chosen for that month
  • 1 condiment to enhance the selected cheeses
  • pairing /tasting guides to help you make the most of the cheese and accompaniment

Cheese subscriptions are shipped on the second Tuesday of every month. The order placement cutoff to receive the shipment the same month is the 5th of the month.

Are you sending a gift?

If you have special instructions, regarding when you would like your subscription to begin, a month you would like to skip, or any other requests for your subscription, please enter them in the notes field at checkout or email them to us at info@gootessacheese.com.

The gift tag message will only be sent with the first month’s shipment.

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