
351 Wise Road, Howard, PennsylvaniaPA 16841

Der Alpen Cheese

4 oz wedge


8 oz wedge


Goot Essa Der Alpen Cheese is an artisanal, cave aged, Alpine style cheese with all the tang of the best aged cheeses, and yet still has the creaminess to be part of your favorite cheese recipes.

Texture A firm cheese with a smooth and flawless texture
Flavor A wonderful blend of sweet, salty buttery, and nutty flavors; a smooth clean finish
Aged 18 months
Milk Type Cow
Shelf Life 4 months
Presentation 4 oz wedge, 8 oz wedge, and 12 lb wheel; wedges vacuum sealed; wheel wrapped in butcher paper

Larger product sizes available. Contact us for pricing.

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Goot Essa Der Alpen Cheese is an artisanal, cave-aged, Alpine-style cheese with all the tang of a best aged cheese. This farmstead, raw cow milk cheese is made according to our traditional Amish recipe that was handed down from our German-Swiss ancestors. This hand-made, all-natural, gruyere-style cheese features a hard but smooth texture with an acidity and creaminess that make this cheese truly gourmet.  The flavor is a wonderful blend of sweet, salt and butter with a clean, smooth finish. Der Alpen means “The Alpine” in Pennsylvania Dutch.

Der Alpen Cheese is a signature cheese on a cheese board or dessert plate, and somewhat surprisingly, melts into a complex mixture of earth, butter, and nut flavors. As the star cheese in almost any macaroni and cheese recipe, or as a compliment to smoked meats, grilled meats and smoked salmon, this cheese offers another taste dimension so demanded by cheese connoisseurs. This cheese also adds to soups and salads, pasta dishes and casseroles. This pairs well with Amish preserves, mustards, and apple butter.  Der Alpen Cheese pairs well with dry fruity white wines, medium to full bodied reds, and almost any beer or ale.

The milk for this cheese is produced on the Esh family farm located in the Nittany Valley of central Pennsylvania.  The Eshes are proud of both their farmstead and the care that they give each individual animal. A large emphasis is put on cow comfort and providing a natural environment for their animals.

Goot Essa—good food in Pennsylvania Dutch.

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