
351 Wise Road, Howard, PennsylvaniaPA 16841

Garden Pepper Cheddar

4 oz block


8 oz block


Goot Essa’s Garden Pepper Cheddar Cheese is a farmstead washed curd cheese that has all the bite of natural red chile bits.

Texture A smooth, medium-bodied, semi-hard washed curd
Flavor Garden fresh hot pepper piquancy tempered with a mild, soft-creamy finish
Aged 12 months
Milk Type Cow
Shelf Life 3 months
Presentation 4 oz block, 8 oz block, and 5 lb loaf; vacuum sealed

Larger product sizes available. Contact us for pricing.

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Goot Essa Garden Pepper Cheddar is an all-natural, hand-made washed curd raw cow milk cheese with pieces of cayenne and jalapeño peppers mixed in.  This cheese has a peppery bite and piquancy tempered by a creamy taste and a smooth, semi-soft texture. This is a new recipe developed by Israel, our famous Amish cheese maker, and has found great favor among hot pepper fans. We produce this cheese in 40 lb blocks and age it for 6-12 months over which time the intensity of the peppers increases. Sweet and Spicy Mustard as well as Aunt Mary’s Peach Jam add dimension to the taste and slightly modify the intensity of the chile pepper pieces. This cheese cooks well in pizza tacos, melts well on burgers and buffalo chicken wings. This cheese goes great with green onions, sour fruits, and sesame seed crackers. This cheese demands both a wine and a beer that can stand up well against hot peppers. Garden Pepper Cheddar pairs with sweet to demi sec whites such as Hof Riesling and white zinfandel as well as light fruity red wines. Brews include blonde ale, amber ale, winter warmers, a malty beer, and many popular craft brews.

Goot Essa—good food in Pennsylvania Dutch.

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